+91 9272232240 / 9272223443

Shree Panchal Samaj Madhyavarti Mandal's
Yeshwantrao Chaphekar College of Arts and Commerce

Affiliated to University of Mumbai
ISO 9001-2015 Certified Institute
NAAC Accredited with Grade "B" CGPA 2.41- First Cycle (2024-2029)


Date 16-09-2023
Title Fresher's Party
  • 1. To provide a warm and inviting atmosphere for incoming students, helping them feel welcome and comfortable in their new academic environment.
  • 2. To interact and build positive relationships with their peers, seniors, and faculty members.
  • 3. To celebrate the diversity of talents within the college community and encourage freshers to explore their passions.
  • 4. Promoting a positive college culture that emphasizes inclusivity, respect, and collaboration is crucial.
Resource Person Dr. Nilima Singh
Beneficiaries 310
Event Outcome
  • 1. Enhanced Sense of Belonging
  • 2. Established Peer Networks
  • 3. Informed and Empowered Freshers
  • 4. Celebration of Diverse Talents
  • 5. Positive College Culture
Committee Cultural Committee
Cordinator Asst. Prof. Vandesh Patil