+91 9272232240 / 9272223443

Shree Panchal Samaj Madhyavarti Mandal's
Yeshwantrao Chaphekar College of Arts and Commerce

Affiliated to University of Mumbai
ISO 9001-2015 Certified Institute
NAAC Accredited with Grade "B" CGPA 2.41- First Cycle (2024-2029)


Date 21-10-2023
Title Garba Inter - Collegiate Competition
  • Organized by the college with the aim of promoting cultural exchange and fostering a sense of community among the participating colleges, the competition showcased the talent, enthusiasm, and diversity of the participants.
Resource Person NA
Beneficiaries 350
Event Outcome
  • The Garaba Inter-Collegiate Competition stood as a testament to the importance of cultural events in fostering unity, understanding, and pride in our diverse heritage. The organizing committee, participants, and attendees alike contributed to making this event a memorable and culturally significant experience.
Committee CULTURAL
Cordinator Vandesh Patil